Posture Correction Exercise

Your posture plays an important role in your overall health. Poor posture leads to chronic pain, discomfort and even headaches. Good posture puts the body in a position which allows for the least amount of strain on supporting tissues. This ultimately leads to less pain and injuries.

In this post I am going to outline a posture correction exercise, also known as Brugger’s Relief Position. This is an easy exercise that you can do at home to improve your posture and reduce posture related pain. This exercise is useful for a number of conditions including low back, upper back, shoulder and neck pain. I like to think of it like a posture checklist you can go through to practice good posture.

This posture correction exercise puts your body in a position that removes postural loading from the shoulders. It also opens up the chest which allows for proper breathing, and for the shoulders and neck to relax. This exercise also strengthens the muscles in between the shoulder blades which typically become very sore and weak from slouching.

Brugger’s Relief Position:

  1. Place your feet flat on the floor with your feet under your knees. Your knees can point out slightly to allow some opening of the hips.
  2. Adjust the height of your chair so that your hips are in line with your knees, or slightly higher (your thighs parallel to the floor)
  3. Grow tall through your spine, reaching the top of your head to the ceiling
  4. Let your pelvis tilt forward so that you have a hollow in your low back, encouraging the natural forward curve
  5. Put your palms facing up on your lap and roll your shoulders open
  6. Think about brining your elbows together behind you, gently squeezing your shoulder blades down and back
  7. Tuck your chin down and back slightly to bring your ears over your shoulders.

While you are holding this position take a few deep belly breaths, focusing on keeping your neck relaxed.

Take brief, periodic breaks throughout the day (for perhaps 10 seconds, every 20-30 minutes) and go through this posture correction exercise.